This year, Dyslexia Week is all about what dyslexia creates. Dyslexia creates artists, entrepreneurs and game changers but we know that it also creates challenges, inequality and prejudice.
Did you know? * In a class of 30, it is likely that at least 3 children will have dyslexia. * Not everyone's dyslexia is the same. It affects people in different ways. *It is a combination of abilities and difficulties. A lot of people with dyslexia have some great strengths, including creativity and problem solving.
Dyslexia Explained
Dyslexia is a learning difference which mainly affects reading and writing skills. However it does not only affect these skills. Dyslexia is actually about the way someone processes and remembers information that they see and hear.
This beautifully illustrated e-book created by Nessy will help give you a brief understanding of dyslexia: the positives, the difficulties and helpful strategies for children with dyslexia.
On Friday, 9th October we are having a non- uniform day and asking all pupils to 'Go green for dyslexia!'
If you would like to make a small donation, any funds raised will go towards buying more Nessy seats for specific Literacy support. This resource last for a year and can be used at home and in class.
Written from a child's point of view, this e-book created by Nessy looks at the challenges faced by children with dyslexia in school but also the wide range of skills and talents that many dyslexics have. It is so important that all children find what they are good at and enjoy doing!